School Center Ljubljana Woodwork High School Gimnazija Antona Aškerca Higher Vocational College European School Ljubljana
Applications and Payments for a replacement of a public document
Opening and closing of direct debits:
We are pleased to inform you that we have been included in the European Direct Debit Scheme - SEPA (SDD for short) since 22 March 2018. The Direct Debit (Durable Debit) payment service makes it easy for you to pay your bills automatically. By agreeing to direct debit, you authorise the Ljubljana School Centre( Šolski Center Ljubljana) to make a monthly direct debit to your current account via your bank in the amount of the invoice amount.
Below you will find the form for opening a standing order, which you can fill in, sign and send to the Šolski Center Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana. Consent for direct debits is accepted, stored and managed by the payee (Šolski Center Ljubljana). The payer may, however, revoke the direct debit consent. We have also prepared a form for cancellation of a direct debit, which must be filled in, signed and sent by post.
Please send a copy of your ID (ID card or passport) and a copy of your bank card along with the completed and signed consent to open/cancel a standing order.
We are available for any questions you might have regarding the information mentioned above.
School Center Ljubljana (SCLJ)
Mechanical and ChemicalEngeneering High School in Ljubljana
Aškerčeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 10:00 - 12:00