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Welcome to the Information Day:

Mechanical and Chemical Engeneering High School Ljubljana

If you are passionate about science, technology and the wonders of Chemistry, the field of safety and security of people and property, then the Mechanical and Chemical Engineering High School in Ljubljana is the right choice. 

We'll help you gain the skills you need to become a Mechanical, Chemical and Security Technician and to succeed in employment or further study.

Educational programmes:

Frequently asked questions and answers:

  • 1. How many points do I need to enrol in the Mechanical Technician, Chemical Technician and Security Technician courses?

    The enrolment restriction does not occur every year. For the 2021/2022 school year, we have an enrolment cap for the Mechanical Technician and Security Technician programmes. In Round 1, the lower limit was 114 points ('Mechanical Technician') and 111 points ('Security Technician'), and in Round 2 it was 134 and 121 points respectively.

  • 2. How much practical training is there in all three programmes?

    A few hours a week in school workshops, laboratories and specialised classrooms.

  • 3. Does the apprenticeship also take place with the employer?

    Yes. In the Mechanical Technician programme in the 2nd and 3rd year, in the Chemical Technician programme in the 3rd year, in the Security Technician programme in the 3rd and 4th year.

  • 4. Where can I get a job after four years of school?

    A Mechanical Technician can be employed in the metalworking industry, sales and service, energy, design...

    A Chemical Technician can get a job in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, glass, ceramics industries.... industry, in various control laboratories, as a science laboratory technician in secondary schools and gymnasiums...

    With their skills and qualifications, Security Technicians can be employed in private security services and other companies in the field of security, and can quickly move on to careers as soldiers in the Slovenian Armed Forces, as police officers, as town or municipal policemen and in a range of other professions.

  • 5. Does the Vocational Baccalaureate allow admission to university?

    Passing the Vocational Baccalaureate qualification allows you to enrol in higher and post-secondary education. Many faculties offer university admission on the basis of the Vocational Baccalaureate and General Baccalaureate subject 5.

  • 6. Does the school organise school snacks?

    The school has a modern kitchen where students can get a healthy and freshly prepared meal.


by Vlasta Rudar Nenadović, prof. 17 February 2025
DRUGO MESTO na regijskem tekmovanju iz angleščine Na področnem tekmovanju v znanju angleškega jezika za dijake 3. in (letos prvič tudi) 4. letnika, ki je potekalo 4. februarja 2025, je sodelovalo tudi 8 naših dijakov, ki so dosegli lepe uvrstitve. Najbolj se je izkazal MAJ LEVIČAR iz S4B razreda, ki je pod mentorstvom prof. Mateje Maučec osvojil DRUGO MESTO, in se s tem uvrstil na državno tekmovanje! Vsem tekmovalcem iskreno čestitamo!
by Darja Lučić, ravnateljica 12 February 2025
Draga učenka/dragi učenec: "Te zanima strojništvo, kemija ali varovanje?" Vabimo te na informativna dneva na naši šoli v petek, 14. 2. 2025 , ob 9 . uri in ob 15 . uri, ter v soboto, 15. 2. 2025, ob 9 . uri. Predstavili vam bomo izobraževalne programe STROJNI TEHNIK , KEMIJSKI TEHNIK in TEHNIK VAROVANJA in te popeljali na ogled šole. Veselimo se srečanja s tabo!
by Lucija Zajc, knjižničarka ŠCL 11 February 2025
Obvestilo dijakom Šolska knjižnica bo zaprta naslednji teden od ponedeljka, 17. 2. 2025, do petka, 21. 2. 2025 , zaradi inventure. Prosimo, da pravočasno vrnete knjige oziroma jih podaljšate ter da si izposodite želeno gradivo, saj inventuri sledijo še zimske počitnice.
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