School Center Ljubljana Woodwork High School Gimnazija Antona Aškerca Higher Vocational College European School Ljubljana
Adult learners can follow publicly valid secondary vocational education programmes at SSKŠ:
*adapted curriculum for students who have already completed another 4-year professional education or high school
Education participants have the right to health care from compulsory health insurance in accordance with the law governing health care and health insurance and the right to other benefits and rights in accordance with special regulations, if they are not employed, registered as unemployed, or do not educate in accordance with the regulations on employment and unemployment insurance.
Educational programs at SSKŠ are usually implemented as an individual organizational model.
Education takes place in three forms:
The form of education depends on the number of enrolled participants in each educational program.
Educational activities take place during the week in the afternoon.
Enrollment conditions are determined by the individual educational program.
An enrollment fee is paid for enrolling in an educational program as part of adult education.
Tuition fees are defined for each school year separately. Upon enrollment, the participant signs an education contract, which specifies the obligations for the current school year, the amount of tuition or the price for passing individual exams and professional graduation.
Adult education participants are enrolled until October 1st of the current school year, depending on prior individual discussions with the head of adult education, participants can also enroll during the school year.
A participant in adult education can withdraw during schooling. If he ends his education for legitimate reasons, he can submit a request for exemption from payment of financial obligations, otherwise he must settle the financial obligations from the contract.
The school prepares a personal educational plan for each participant in adult education, in the creation of which the student also participates.
The school year for adult education participants begins on October 1 of the current year and ends on September 30 of the following year.
When the participant successfully completes all obligations for each year of the educational program, he is issued an annual certificate. After the successful completion of the final year, the participant can proceed to the vocational high school graduation, once he has completed this, his status as an adult educator ceases.
The last date for registering for the examinations is 25th October 2022.
The last date for registering for the examinations is 19th December 2022.
The closing date for applications for the examinations is 20th April 2023.
OFFICE HOURS - "Mechanical Technician" and "Security Technician" programme, either in person or by calling 01/24 11 668 every day from 10.00 to 12.00
OFFICE HOURS - Chemical Technician programme: daily from 10.00 to 12.00 on 01/24 11 664
You can apply for the exam of your choice. You can take 3 exams in one examination period. You can take only one exam per day, or one exam in one subject.
Consultations can be arranged with your teacher before you apply for the exam dates.
Applications are accepted by email to: , in which you should specify which exam you are applying for and with which professor. Once your application has been received, you will receive payment details for the exam. On the day of the exam, please report to the school office, room 215, 10 minutes before the exam. You must bring proof of payment for the exam with you. Upon presenting the proof of payment, you will be given a registration form for the exam. (Without the proof of payment and the registration form, you are not allowed to take the exam).
School Center Ljubljana (SCLJ)
Mechanical and ChemicalEngeneering High School in Ljubljana
Aškerčeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 10:00 - 12:00