School Center Ljubljana Woodwork High School Gimnazija Antona Aškerca Higher Vocational College European School Ljubljana
Office hours for parents
Parents can talk to teachers during the afternoon ("joint") discussion sessions, which will be organised on Tuesdays from 17:00 to 18:30.
All teachers are present.
The dates of the joint discussion sessions in the school year 2022/2023 will be:
- 15th November 2022
- 17th January 2023
- 21st March 2023
- 9th May 2023
Each teacher will have office hours once a week in the morning. During this time he/she is available to parents by prior arrangement by phone and e-mail.
Parent meetings
Parent Teacher Meetings
There will be three parent-teacher meetings in the school year 2022/2023, generally on Tuesdays:
- the first parent-teacher meetings will be held on 13theptember and 14th September 2022 (invitations will be sent by your Class Teacher),
- second parent-teacher meeting: January 2023 - all year groups,
- third parent-teacher meeting: March 2023 or as required.
Special parent-teacher meetings may also be arranged at the request of parents, management or teaching staff.
School Center Ljubljana (SCLJ)
Mechanical and ChemicalEngeneering High School in Ljubljana
Aškerčeva 1, 1000 Ljubljana
Office hours:
Monday to Friday 10:00 - 12:00